Saturday, 27 August 2011

Barranquilla Culture

Barranquilla Street

Carros de mula

Dancers at the Carnaval

The City
Barranquilla is an easy going city with a laid back Caribbean culture on the coast of Colombia.  Although the people are laid back the city is a bustle and blur of activity with cars racing through traffic honking their horns when they come to an intersection, Mules pulling fruit and vegetable laden carts (carros de mula - mule car) across busy intersections and up and down streets yelling at the top of their voices what they have for sale, bus companies competing and racing each other missing gears and swerving in and out of traffic to get as many customers as possible and pause for too long on the side of the road and a swarm of taxis will head straight towards you like bees to honey.

The People
The people of Barranquilla are said to be some of the most friendly, sincere, kind and informal people in Colombia. Barranquillieros have a way of making you feel at home and are ready to help you when you are in need, for such a large city they have a way of collaborating together and with tourists to make it feel like a small homely village with everyone looking out for each. Colombians take care of and mutual respect for each other and elders; women are respected and given special attention. The middle class families in Colombia rely on a maid to do most of their everyday chores while richer families rely on a team of maids and workers to help them through every day with all tasks. 

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